Aug 24, 2021

Summer Wrap Up

At the nursery, we continue to stay busy through the heat of summer. Our summer cover crop of sunflowers was recently mulched, as we prepare our land for spring planting. Our crews have been busy with leader work and all our trees have received their summer trims in the field.
At this point in the growing season, you shouldn’t see new species of insects emerging but depending on the area you will continue to see insect pressures from pests we have already covered earlier this summer. We have continued doing general preventative sprays on a rotation in our fields and are planning to continue doing this until the temperatures cool off in September.
Keep a look out for these pests out in the landscape. Early detection of pests is key, and it is always better to be preventative than trying to control an infestation.
Magnolia Scale has a late summer egg hatch around
1940 GDD
Fall webworm tents should be apparent. These typically form around 1850 GDD
Ash Clearwing Borer adults begin to emerge around 1900 GDD

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